Johnston student holds a coffee filter on one side while science teacher Lexi Houle holds it on the other as the two prepare for a science experiment.
Week in Review
The Board Briefing
Kim Smith, Social worker for emma and west buncombe elementary
Black woman wearing a gray sweatshirt going through the lunch line with her daughter who is wearing a red sweatshirt.
Kinder Registration 2025
Two kindergarten students dressed up in caps and gowns
2 Hour Delay Spanish
2 Hour Delay
Special Announcement.
Special Announcement
Special Announcement
Hurricane Helene Emergency Resources
How to help
Principal Carla Shipman with the Prestige Subaru in a group photo in front of the classroom boxes.
BCS Special Announcement Graphic
Close up of the Edulog app open on a phone being held by someone standing in front of bus 633.
Dr. Jackson addressing the crowd of BCS teammates gathered for Convocation
Ted E. the Tourist reading the book  the Legend of Rock Paper Scissors to the students of the Summer Reading Camp.
2024 Supply List Spanish