Digital Learning Professional Development

Through participation in Blending Educational Strategies Together (BEST), educators better understand how digital learning and the Buncombe County Instructional Framework help develop an engaged, academically challenging learning environment. Participants will experience key qualities and characteristics of effective instructional design, evaluate current instructional strengths and areas of improvement, look at components of BEST learning environments, create digital products aligned to curriculum standards, and establish a vision of a BEST digital learning environment for their classroom. While BEST was originally a requirement for all BCS staff, we currently offer ongoing professional development in Digital and Blended Learning through our Blended Learning Coaches. BEST is still a part of new employee orientation begins each year as well so that our staff have a strong grasp of tools and strategies to use in their classrooms.

2024-25 Digital Learning Professional Development Options

The PD website provides links to ongoing PD from Digital Learning as well as many vendor sites.

Updated July 2024